Wholesale CBD Hemp Seeds

Sale price Price $1,000.00 Regular price

Looking for CBD hemp seeds under 0.3% THC? View our current hemp seed collection.

Get this part wrong and your entire crop may be worthless or destroyed! Contrary to popular belief, hemp plants are NOT male marijuana plants. Only female hemp plants will produce flowers with high contents of CBD.

Industrial cannabis or hemp grown for grain and stalks produces very little cannabinoid content— close to 0% THC and 0% CBD. However, the government classifies "hemp" as any cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% THC. Therefore breeders have been able to develop high-CBD, low-THC cannabis plants, while falling under the legal classification of hemp.

The "hemp" plants, from which most CBD is extracted, is not your typical industrial cannabis that's grown for fabrics, grain, etc. Genetically, they are different. Genes of the cannabis plant fight to convert the precursor cannabinoid CBGa to either THCa or CBDa, and plants can be bred to exhibit dominance in either cannabinoid.

High THC concentration exhibits more intoxicating effects, often beneficial in treating chronic pain and making pain more tolerable. A high concentration of CBD lessens or eliminates intoxicating effects and provides mild pyschoactive properties that can have many potential therapeutic benefits. Balanced strains or chemovars tend to have nearly equal concentrations (1:1) of CBD and THC.

Not every seed will produce high-CBD, low-THC plants. You will need specialty seeds if you intend to grow CBD-rich hemp plants.

Minimum orders usually start around 2,000-3,000 seeds with prices ranging from $1-$5 per seed to thousands of dollars per pound, depending on whether the seed is regular or feminized. Most small farms may want to start with less. Contact us if you are interested in lower quantities or finding specific hemp varieties.

How much hemp can you grow on one acre? Check out our hemp seed 101 overview.